In fact it was from these important notes left by the grandfather that Marco Aurélio could effectively develop a new type of reasoning about the real origin of the Universe and of course all its mechanics in cosmic terms. The Grand Master of the Order of Christ, Guardian, supported by all his Master Zoists and supported by an advanced mathematics supported by a four-dimensional geometry, also called projective geometry thanks to the existence of powerful and advanced computers of which he was gifted ISEA , it was possible to penetrate deep into the knowledge of space-time and from there they could develop with almost 100% effectiveness the dynamics of "Predictability". Certainly the principles contained in the I Ching, the Book of Mutations considered one of the most important Chinese classics and derived from a very ancient divination technique dating back to 5000 BC, exerted a tremendous influence on the development of a science that the Master Zoists dominated allowing ISEA to become an institution of enormous international prestige and increasingly seeking its services through the preparation of studies and research work for important universities, scientific institutions and large business organizations, governments and many other entities. equal importance located in different parts of the world.
This was the exoteric side of ISEA or, in other words, the materialization of the quadrature of the circle, but the institution directed by Marcus Aurelius also had another side that was truly secret and completely inaccessible to the public knowledge that we could symbolically call "Circulature of the square, being precisely the opposite of the quadrature of the circle, whose symbology would be translated by the "domain of matter over the spirit", while the Circulature of the square would mean "mastery of the spirit over matter", an area in which the Zoist Masters were effectively connoisseurs and whose techniques then developed managed to dominate the "journeys in Time"!
Extracted from the initiatory novel to be published - "THE ARCHITECTS OF THE UNIVERSE - HISTORY OF THE FUTURE MAN", authored by Jacinto Alves.
In fact it was from these important notes left by the grandfather that Marco Aurélio could effectively develop a new type of reasoning about the real origin of the Universe and of course all its mechanics in cosmic terms. The Grand Master of the Order of Christ, Guardian, supported by all his Master Zoists and supported by an advanced mathematics supported by a four-dimensional geometry, also called projective geometry thanks to the existence of powerful and advanced computers of which he was gifted ISEA , it was possible to penetrate deep into the knowledge of space-time and from there they could develop with almost 100% effectiveness the dynamics of "Predictability". Certainly the principles contained in the I Ching, the Book of Mutations considered one of the most important Chinese classics and derived from a very ancient divination technique dating back to 5000 BC, exerted a tremendous influence on the development of a science that the Master Zoists dominated allowing ISEA to become an institution of enormous international prestige and increasingly seeking its services through the preparation of studies and research work for important universities, scientific institutions and large business organizations, governments and many other entities. equal importance located in different parts of the world.
This was the exoteric side of ISEA or, in other words, the materialization of the quadrature of the circle, but the institution directed by Marcus Aurelius also had another side that was truly secret and completely inaccessible to the public knowledge that we could symbolically call "Circulature of the square, being precisely the opposite of the quadrature of the circle, whose symbology would be translated by the "domain of matter over the spirit", while the Circulature of the square would mean "mastery of the spirit over matter", an area in which the Zoist Masters were effectively connoisseurs and whose techniques then developed managed to dominate the "journeys in Time"!
Extracted from the initiatory novel to be published - "THE ARCHITECTS OF THE UNIVERSE - HISTORY OF THE FUTURE MAN", authored by Jacinto Alves.

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